Pro Audio & Light Asia '93

The Largest Gathering of Lighting and Sound Professionals in the Asia Pacific Region
Pro Audio & Light Asia '93
The 5th Annual International Trade Exhibition for Professional Recording, Sound Reinforcement, Duplication, Lighting, Lasers, Special Effects and Associated Equipment for the Leisure, Presentation, Entertainment and Related Industries for the Entire Asian Region.
JULY 7-9,1993
World Trade Centre, Singapore
Apart from National Pavilions from Italy and the UK, exhibitors will also include prominent individual manufacturers and represented companies from Australia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan and USA.
If you wish to be part of the largest event ever staged in Asia, and meet the entire Regional users, then you must let us know immediately!
Scope of exhibits include: Sound Systems, Studio Equipment, Recording, Duplicating, CD/Tape Production, Broadcasting, Post Production, Acoustic Design, Public Address, Lighting Systems, Special Effects, Control Equipment, Entertainment Facility Design, Video Wall Systems, Equipment for Stage, Theatre, Concert, Radio, TV and Discotheque.
To exhibit/visit, please contact Alan Suen:
18/F First Pacific Bank Centre, 51-57 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 865 2633, Fax: (852) 865 5513, 866 1770
Telex: 64882 ASIEX HX, Cable: BIPCCAB
FAX HOTLINE: (852) 865 5513, (852) 866 1770
a B&I exibition